Art in Vienna:


Club H.Ø.D. Calendar - February
October 13, 2015


Dutzi Ijsenhower

You might wonder why do we publish an article about Carnival already in October. Well, actually in German-speaking Europe and the Netherlands, the Carnival season traditionally opens on 11/11 (often at 11:11 a.m.), so in less than a month time! Another reason for it is our weekly release of Club H.Ø.D Calendar pages. ( Team)

"February is the greatest month! A lot of people would disagree. They would say that it's dark, cold and wet. Everybody is on edge in February, fed up with winter and longing for spring to come.

This is why there is Karneval, Carnival, Fasching, Fasteleer and Mardi Gras! We expel winter and all its bad spirits through dressing up, loud music and fun.

When people say Christmas season is the best proof that the darkest times of the year can be the warmest and filled with light, they forget that the actual darkest times are at the end of winter and that these can be the most fun and colourful days of the year. 

So in “Karneval” people dress up. And when you dress up, fantastic things happen to you: You can do things that you never could do. When you dress up as a clown you don't act as a clown, you unleash the clown inside of you!

Club H.Ø.D. Calendar 2015 Februar Photo Julia Fuchs

Club H.Ø.D. Calendar 2016 Karneval Photo Julia Fuchs © Club H.Ø.D. 

On this page Jo, Sue Philis Baker and Dutzi Ijsenhower represent typical Fasching characters: The clown, the sexy witch and the princess/fairy.

As 'pedestrian' as this costumes look at first sight, they tap deep into the desires of humankind: for eternal youth, financial independence and a royal upbringing. Women can dress sexy, feel seductive and powerful without being slut-shamed! And the clown, of course, stands for laughter, fun and carelessness all that we wish for.

If you can dress up to feel sexy, funny and young, then how could anyone say that February is not the greatest month?!" (Dutzi Ijsenhower)

Email us: to get your free Febraury page (all of you who downloaded the Title and January pages last week get back to us so that we can send you proper A4 printable versions, sorry....)