
Search for Feminism. The more you search, the less you find.

Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ)
Jan 10 2020
Maysedergasse 2/28 (4th Floor, Lift)
Vienna 1010
Friday, January 10, 2020
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The exhibition Search for...Feminism critically investigates the online world from a feminist point of view, tackling data bias, gender insensitive algorithms, and how women are influenced and treated differently online. It encompasses works by six international artists and the presentation of different activist groups, who either involve technologies that promote social change and gender equality or critically investigate these same digital tools.

Constant Dullaart, Kate Durbin, Martina Menegon, Joyce Lee, the Peng! Collective, Ye Hui and the presentation of activist groups.

Public Program:
16. 01. / 18:00: Roundtable discussion (Re)Actions to the Great Chinese Firewall

24.01. / 18:00: Cyber Feminism: an evening of feminist hacktivism

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