
Genossin Sonne

Colectivo Los Ingrávidos, Danza Solar [Sonnentanz], 2021, Videostill, Courtesy die Künstler*innen, © Colectivo Los Ingrávidos

May 16 2024 to Sep 1 2024
Museumsplatz 1
Vienna 1070
Phone: +43 1 521890
Tuesday - Wednesday:
Friday - Sunday:
General € 8 / reduced* € 6
Thursday, May 16, 2024 to Sunday, September 1, 2024
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Curators: Dr. Inke Arns (Director of HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein) and Andrea Popelka (Kunsthalle Wien)

Assistant Curator: Hannah Marynissen

Artists: Kobby Adi • Kerstin Brätsch • Colectivo Los Ingrávidos • Nicholas Grafia & Mikołaj Sobczak • Sonia Leimer • Maha Maamoun • Wolfgang Mattheuer • Marina Pinsky • Katharina Sieverding • The Atlas Group • The Otolith Group • Huda Takriti • Suzanne Treister • Anton Vidokle • Gwenola Wagon • Hajra Waheed …

A joint exhibition of Kunsthalle Wien and Wiener Festwochen | Freie Republik Wien

This essayistic group exhibition is dedicated to works of art and artistic theories that connect the cosmos, and especially the sun to social and political movements. In the selection of works by international artists, one focus is on the moving image – on cinema, film, and video as media of light. Yet works in other media likewise radiate hypnotic, feverish, glowing, menacing affects. The sun, broadly speaking, figures both as an abundant source of life and energy for political struggles and as a symbol of warning, its vast mass and lifespan contrasting with the brevity of human life on planet earth.

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