
Michael Turinsky: Precarious Moves

Michael Turinsky (AT)
Precarious Moves
© Michael Loizenbauer

Jul 25 2022
Monday, July 25, 2022
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At first, Michael Turinsky wonders if he should write a love letter to communism ‘as a genuine movement’. Or is it a better idea to tweet about socialism and its relation­ship to the bicycle or wheelchair? But in the end – stick to what you know! – he devotes himself in this solo to his deviant gestures in a field between choreography and disability. The outstanding Viennese dancer and body philosopher takes a stand against the norms of mobility culture, advo­cates understanding and consideration of ‘different’ ways of moving alongside one’s ‘own’.

25. Juli, 21:00
26. Juli, 20:30
27. Juli, 19:00

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