
Group exhibition “Revisiting Casablanca”

May 19 2021 to Jul 3 2021
Hegelgasse 14
Vienna 1010
Phone: +43 1 236 3775
Monday - Friday:
Wednesday, May 19, 2021 to Saturday, July 3, 2021
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with Zineb Benjelloun, Ahmed Bouanani & Abdelmajid R’chich & Mohamed Abderrahman Tazi, Touda Bouanani, Mohamed Fariji (L'Atelier de l'Observatoire), Fatima Mazmouz, Anahita Razmi, Tim Sharp, Ghita Skali

Exhibition duration: May 19 - July 03, 2021
Soft opening: May 18, 2021, 2-8pm
curated by Aline Lenzhofer

A Hollywood film, a dissolved aquarium, and a self-issued attestation of fiction - aspects that appear in the exhibition "Revisiting Casablanca". Artistic works blur fiction and reality, reveal innovative forms of narration and historiography, and raise questions: What inscribes itself into the character of the city? How much fiction is there even in the writing of history? Who can/does take on the role of the writer?

Image credits: Ghita Skali, fictional forever, 2021.

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