
Andrea Amort | Tanja Brandmayr | Gerlinde Roidinger - Erika Gangl und der Neue Tanz

© Alfred Peschek

Jul 30 2024
Arthur-Schnitzler-Platz 1
Vienna 1070
Phone: +43.1.523 55 58
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
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The biblical observation that a prophet is without honour in their own town still applies. Renowned researcher and author Andrea Amort has been working for years with great dedication on providing previously denied recognition and counteracting oblivion in dance. Who, for example, remembers Erika Gangl? Quick reminder: the Linz-born dancer was a highly esteemed educator who campaigned for avant-garde dance in Austria. Amort has written a monograph about the artist, who performed John Cage’s Music for Piano back in the 1960s and died in 2000 at the early age of sixty. The dance historian presents this volume, published by Hollitzer in collaboration with Tanja Brandmayr and Gerlinde Roidinger. Incidentally, Amort is a reliable source because, back in her own student days, she was taught modern dance and ballet by Gangl.

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Duration: 60 Min
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