
[8:tension] Anna Biczók – DELICATE

© Daniel Doemoelky Photography

Jul 21 2023
Friday, July 21, 2023
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You often hear that dance is a universal language. But what does it really mean to communicate through dance? How much of both our cultural and individual history remains when words fail and the body begins to speak? Anna Biczók, whose work is often concerned with bodily memory, has shared her methods with the sensational dancers Adél Juhász, Karin Pauer and Sasha Portyannikova and, in DELICATE, has woven their diverse material of movement and experience into a vivid conversation about womanhood in different European contexts.

21.7.2023, 21:00
23.7.2023, 19:00
Austrian Premiere

Duration: 50 Min
Price: 22 Euro
Reduced: 18 Euro

In German, Hungarian and Russian.

It is possible to purchase a [8:tension] subscription for three, six or all performances of the Young Choreographers’ Series.