
L'artista paninaro

Jul 5 2019
Große Neugasse 44
Vienna 1040
Friday, July 5, 2019
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Alex De Brabant
Bruno Mokross
Davide Zucco
Edin Zenun
Ellinor Aurora Aasgard and Elizabeth Ravn
Filippo Vogliazzo
Jakob Brugge
Lindsay Lawson
Mikael Brkic
Natalia Rolon

Davide's works reflect on the environment and its rapid decay. Ellinor, Elizabeth and Mikael's work on the playfulness and humour one has to always have to get over every day life. Filippo's work touches on the split self, the constant fomo, the search for the soulmate. His other work is placed in Berlin and can never stand in relation with the one in Vienna because the works, like us today, can't face themselves, as we can't face ourselves. Natalia's works mimic a phenomenon of trolling, politics digested through Facebook or message boards, where anything can become a meme. Alex's photo reflects our ability to mimetize, hide, filter in and out through technology. Jakob's work is an iconography of American politics and the their decay, from super-power to being reduced to ridicule. Lindsay's work reflects our broken, fragile self, the chair stands barely on its own and wears big boots to boost its confidence, but everyone can see, the chair is just a sad symbol of its glory days. Simon's jacket hangs inside out, once standing for a political group, then converted to a fashion icon, now it is just a piece of fabric, hungry for more, consumed way too fast. We process and digest faster and words end up being just words. Bruno's silver scroll holds those words, captures poetry in fine metal just as we like to adorn ourselves in fine designer clothes, and Edin's painting captures a landscape; the garden of Eden we dream about in our lunch breaks eating a sad sandwich, hoping for a more healthy life, to get back to nature, a nature we try desperately to save. Our generation is the most hopeful, seemingly outfitted with all the tools one needs to make life better and more comfortable, and yet all future prospects seem to increasingly recede before us.