
ImPulsTanz 2018: Jan Fabre – The generosity of Dorcas

Aug 3 2018
Taborstraße 10
Vienna 1020 Wien
€ 36,-/25,-/18,-
Aug 5, 21:30
Friday, August 3, 2018
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A man with a golden lower lip is dancing in a stage set of colourful threads. He seems intent on amazing his audience like a fairground magician. Large sewing needles are dangling from the threads, and it is with these that a story begins. The story about Dorcas (Tabitha in Aramaic), a disciple of Jesus Christ, who was known for her generosity and helpfulness: the skilful seamstress clothed the poor. To the sorrow of those around her she died of an unknown disease but Peter the Apostle was able to bring her back to life. Jan Fabre makes Italian dancer and “warrior of beauty” Matteo Salgado slip into the role of Dorcas and, through the ritual of dance, lets him enter into a higher state of being that recalls the resurrection of the female disciple only mentioned as an aside in the Bible. Fabre has thus created one of his grand solo pieces for Sedda. The multitalented Belgian artist previously did so for Lisbeth Gruwez, Ivana Jadi, Antony Rizzi and Cédric Charron, among others.

World Premiere
Duration: 50 min

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