
ANDREA MAURER: If What Could Be Is How Why Not

© Maximilian Pramatarov

Nov 30 2018 to Dec 1 2018
Museumsplatz 1
Vienna 1070
Phone: +43 1 581 35 91
Friday, November 30, 2018 to Saturday, December 1, 2018
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The piece revolves around a monologue that is being repeated over and over again. While the monologue is moving around in a circle word by word and sentence by sentence from beginning to end and from end to beginning, the theatre space takes on a life of its own and undergoes constant change. Each word is thrown into a new context every single time and everything that is being said takes on a different meaning in its recurring repetition. The spatial metamorphoses do not stop at the monologue: they underline, overwrite, obscure, interfere with, attack, appropriate and prevent the meaning of sentences. What do we stick to when nothing fits together anymore?

Besides elements of the stage space and sentence constructions, bodies and voices of adults and children also feature in If What Could Be Is How Why Not. In mutual deconstruction work new complicities emerge in which text parts (a, o, fl, cr), scattered in space, transfer the outside inside and vice versa.

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