Sound Chamber “Reset“

Nov 7 2023 to Dec 27 2023
Tuesday, November 7, 2023 to Wednesday, December 27, 2023
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with Hüma Utku, Ernst Lima, Hyeji Nam and Jessica Ekomane
curated by Pia Wamsler
Opening: 07.11.2023, 7pm
Duration: 08.11.2023 – 27.01.2024
"Reset" in the circular space of the Kunstverein is dedicated to the listening experience of experimental music production and offers the visitors the opportunity to dive in an immersive soundscape. Pieces produced especially for the space nestle in the completely darkened room and focus on the purely acoustic experience.
Extra programme:
15.11.2023, 6 – 8pm in the context of Vienna Art Week
Performance „INVERTED SUN“ by Ernst Lima