Rykena/Jüngst – SHE LEGEND
In SHE LEGEND, choreographers Rykena/Jüngst embark on a search for the queer potentials of the comic-book universe, its superhero*ines and their choreographic translations onto the stage. Inspired by the powerful imagery of comic books and their abstract, bizarre forms of expression, Lisa Rykena and Carolin Jüngst transform into cyborg-like shape-shifters to turn into illustrations of their own pathos. Using their bodies, they draw grotesque comic-book characters, amateur antihero*ines and megalomaniacs.
As Rykena/Jüngst stroll through imaginary landscapes of myths, legends, and apocalyptic sound effects, they re-imagine heroic tales, invent superpowers, and portray non-conformist characters in their fight against the dominant narratives of singular, stereotypical heroes.
INFO: The show on March 5th will be followed by an artist talk.
Rykena/Jüngst address queer-feminist, intersectional and ableism-critical body discourses, as well as the transformation of normative categorisations of bodies. Employing material from the classics, mythology, and popular culture, Carolin Jüngst and Lisa Ryka like to create characters that defy the stereotypes and clichés of heteronormative attributions. Their work has been regularly presented at Kampnagel, Hamburg, and HochX, Munich, and invited to various festivals. For example, among other invitations, SHE LEGEND will be part of Tanzplattform 2022 at HAU/Hebbel am Ufer, Berlin.
Carolin Jüngst works as a choreographer and performer. She also practiced equestrian vaulting for ten years, studied dance/theatre studies and philosophy, attended a dance trainee programme at the Leipziger Tanztheater and completed her Master of Arts grade in performance studies in Hamburg.
Lisa Rykena works as a dancer and choreographer. She studied contemporary as well as classical dance at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts and has danced and performed in pieces by William Forsythe, Zufit Simon, Ursina Tossi, and Marina Abramović. Since 2018, she has regularly appeared as a dancer with the Company Christoph Winkler.