Matteo Haitzmann with Arthur Fussy & Judith Schwarz – Make it count

In Make It Count, violinist and performance artist Matteo Haitzmann searches for new concert formats and instrumentations. While at first these may seem odd and raise suspicions of artificiality, once one decides to lean into them, they make sense, almost like a logical consequence. It is exactly what happens with the three instruments employed in Make It Count: skipping rope, extended drums, and modular synthesizer. Individually and jointly they wallop away on stage, standing for themselves as equals while at the same time working as a sound collective. Together with musicians Judith Schwarz (extended drums) and Arthur Fussy (modular synthesizer) and sound designer Lukas Froschauer, Haitzmann creates an acoustic realm, where the body produces sound and the sound assumes a body. Make It Count is not an artsy concert, and all those smiling sceptically at this claim are kindly invited to convince themselves that it’s true. Because whatever it is, it doesn’t stop.