
j. bouey & Tyrone Bevans / J. Bouey Dance Projects – A Message...

Jul 29 2024
Taborstraße 10
Vienna 1020
Phone: +43.1.523 55 58
24 Euro, Reduced: 20 Euro
19:00, 22:00
Monday, July 29, 2024
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“I’m going back to Saturn where the rings all glow / Rainbow moonbeams and orange snow…” Bessie Awardwinner j. bouey and co-performer/DJ Tyrone Bevans host a cosmic and electrifying meeting, consisting of music, poetry and dance. Not between the two of them, but between Mx. Black Copper and Nyx, their trans-dimensional and -temporal alter egos. Trained in waacking, a dance style developed in L.A.’s gay scene in the 1970s, their movement language is not only beautifully exhilarating but, for the creators, acts as a space of refuge and healing. Accompanied by the music of Stevie Wonder and Kae Tempest, among others, A Message... wants to offer a glimpse into a future where “we’ve abolished all systems of oppression”.

World Premiere

Duration: 75 Min
Price: 24 Euro
Reduced: 20 Euro

In English.
This performance contains theatrical fog and loud music.

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